1 min readJan 25, 2023


You make some really good points in this article that are certainly worth consideration.

I’m not sure of the statistics and the validity of correlation, however, I do see how the commercialized media has power to influence and sway mass opinion.

I also see how certain organizations that have propagated hatred and even violence against targeted minorities may be a root cause of the descent against religion in general. Maybe this prejudice is what so many people are rejecting.

I think it’s also important to remember that not all religions are the same and that there may be many benefits, depending on the organization.

From my experience, believe in a higher power and/or a God of unconditional love is certainly beneficial to a fulfilling life with a self determined purpose.

You also don’t have to be religious to be spiritual. There’s opportunity to reach higher levels of consciousness and the subsequent wellness, without a structured or imposed regime.

Thanks for sharing this 🙏🦋💜




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