Thanks for sharing your story and your insights. I can so relate.
My story has a very similar theme that started out with me associating with outlaw bikers and gangs.
Certainly not a place for fags, queers, or transvestites as LGBTQ+ folks were referred to at that time.
I always had empathy and compassion for those that were afflicted by the activities of oppressive and violent (mostly) males.
I grew my hair very long and would be “miss-gendered” sometimes, because I was also quite thin and had began dressing more unisex as I left that scene behind.
In my 30s I “settle down” and became a family “man” or so I thought. I actually just repressed my femininity, because it still wasn’t cool to be that way.
Then shortly after turning 60 I experienced gender dysphoria, and began looking inward, and discovered that I was trans/non-binary and queer.
Been on this journey for going on three years now and I feel better about than ever. Still have lots of work to do on myself, however, I’m making progress and expressing myself authentically in all areas of my life.
It’s thanks to stories like yours that I’ve gained the awareness and strength to transform and become who I truly am in this moment—which is all we really have anyways.