Jan 27, 2024

Such great insight and wisdom.

Acceptance of the things we cannot change, and having the courage to change the things we can.

From my experience and understanding, I see that the acceptance and embrace of change is the foundation that relieves and releases suffering. Resistance to change is futile, and a root of suffering.

I also choose to take it to the next level, which to me is preparation. There are some physical aspects to this, such as quitting smoking, so that I hopefully wouldn’t suffocate to death like I’ve seen.

However, the even more impactful undertaking is the inner work that can be done to prepare ourselves as best as possible for the inevitable changes.

The stoic principle of Momento Mori also comes to mind. Doing what we can-while we can and then be willing to let it all go.

Thanks for sharing this article 🙏🦋💚


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