My wife made what I consider a bad choice when she decide to start using crack cocaine. It has not worked out well for her.
We lost most everything and it took us to a very dark place for quite some time.
I finally realized that I needed to make some difficult changes and that the only choice was to completely end my relationship with her. I learned the hard way that I couldn’t fix her.
That one decision was fundamental in me turning my life around and getting on a path of recovery, which has ultimately led me to my transformation.
In retrospect, even though it was hell at the time, I’m so grateful for where it’s brought me. I chose/choose to do a lot of self-reflection and make significant changes in who I am.
No longer do I let passion or desire determine who I will partner with. It’s inspiration and intuition that now guides me.
Thanks for sharing your insights🙏🦋💜