I really like what you’ve written here and totally related to everything.
I was assigned male birth, however, I’ve never felt like a man or that elusive concept that’s part of our domestication.
Now that I’m on HRT I really can’t seem to identify with any gender, even though I’ve struggled trying to do so.
I’ve just chosen to seek within and express myself authentically in this moment. I must say that does take some courage, because in my case that means dressing in women’s clothes.
I don’t consider myself overly feminine, however, I certainly do have many feminine attributes– both internally and externally now.
Also, I’ve met some resistance and to me it mostly points to unawareness and social conditioning.
I think we live in an amazing time, at least where I am, where there is greater awareness, acceptance, and even support for expressing ourselves outside of what’s considered traditional gender roles.
So yes, I do believe it’s possible and even quite probable that our societies will evolve in a way that doesn’t require gender conditioning and restriction.
To me this is evident in our youth and they are the future.