Great article and I related on so many levels, actually all of it.
For many years I tried to force change in my life and only when I learn to let go and trust that the desired outcome would be, did I realize the changes I wanted.
For me, I kept learning and setting intentions and then trusting, which brought about the changes in a very gentle and unique way based on awareness and a change of mind/values.
I’ve released the desire/need to smoke cigarettes after 45 years and I’ve never had a craving. It’s going on six years now.
Then, I also released what had become an addiction to marijuana, which I’ve been smoking for also about 45 years, and that’s been over 10 months now. And again, no cravings. It did/does require me going to NA meetings, so recognizing I couldn’t do it on my own.
In return, I’ve gained so much by going to these meetings that far exceeds just the release from the symptom of addiction.
As for bliss, I usually experience moments on a daily basis when I’m attuned to gratitude.