As we get deeper into the darkness of isolation — cracks of awareness and light begin to appear. What are we learning from this?
Terms we first heard become transmuted and intuitive clarity emerges within the transition. We are no longer “social distancing”; we now know to practice “physical distancing” and can encourage social inclusion by greeting passers-bye with a wave or nod.
Those of us with access to technology have a unique opportunity to exponentially grow our social connections and influence beyond our limiting physical realm and immerse ourselves virtually — zooming into insightful cyber meeting rooms.
For those without modern technology — let us remember them and connect in appropriate ways that reflect our compassion and empathy.
Where will this take us? We’re not really sure. However — with our experience, strength, and hope we can believe that we’ll prevail and flourish — turning what may seem like a cataclysmic obstacle into an inspired evolution of humanity.